Tuesday, June 28, 2011

SADHD (Social Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)

Do we live in an ADHD society?  ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) that prevents us from being focused, following through, and concentrating on things that are essential.  I am not trying to poke fun at anyone’s disorder or medical situation; I am merely making a comparison in regards to how our society seems to find difficulty with attentiveness, thorough decision making, and focus.  Maybe it is due to technology.  Maybe our freedom has granted us with so many options and choices that we cannot make our minds up as to what’s good for us.
So here we are, working long hours at the office and taking away from our family time to buy material items, expensive meals, and vacations that we rarely get a chance to fully enjoy.  Ours kids are at day cares, our spouses are like strangers to us, and our bodies are becoming polluted with fast food meals and unhealthy choices.  We blame everyone else and take no ownership for crisis that we have caused in our own lives.  We can no longer finish a book without having a mind flooded with 50 million thoughts that do not relate to the information that we are reading.  We quickly find ourselves dissatisfied with our salaries, our technological choices, and in many other areas in our lives.
These things are destroying our ability to communicate, our ability to love one another, our ability to comprehend life lessons that we should have learned by reading the past lectures that were taught to us by a teacher named "Experience".  Again, do we live in an ADHD society?  Do why find ourselves buying cell phone after cell phone before we fully learn to utilize the one that we have?  Do we want our Internet access to be faster and faster even though we type and read slower and slower?  Do we suffer from trust issues where we do not trust our lawmakers and government officials because the only thing we know about the issues that we vote on come from the ideas of 60 minute TV shows hosted by media pundits? Are we hindered from a dyslexic mentality that causes us to read things backwards like, because we cannot make our house payments, financial institutions should be forced to take the responsibility from us by letting us smooth walk away and default on our original loan terms?  Have we lost our minds?  Are we making laws that appease and please our greed and flesh as oppose to policing our ungodly thoughts and actions?
Let’s think about this; where are we going as a society?  What is next for our families?  Do we need to take control of our lives or should we just ride the wave?  These things were on my mind and I just needed to publish my thoughts for your review.


GENIUS328 said...

Yes, we are an ADHD society, so much so that our children are being misdiagnosed with this condition, when really, they are merely imitating their parents, teachers, and other adults they see on a daily basis. I have never seen so many 40 year olds playing video games all day and cannot put down the controller to instill some values into their children who are either playing right next to them, texting, or on Facebook.

What happened to going outside all day and instead of cyber bullying, you worked things out face-to-face with the person you were having an issue with? The children are mirroring the adults and the adults forgot what made them the respectable children their parents raised them to be. Never would you see or parents settle relational issues via Facebook, twitter, or text, but this is the marital mode of communication for today's relationship.

Yes, we are too occupied with attaining stuff because the "American Dream" has changed. Now its, get as much as you can for as long as you can and step on whoever to get it. There is no community, except for those created on Farmville. We need to take a page from the first church (Acts 2:42-47)and make sure that none suffer lack.

Good take T4. I have the medication for Social ADHD (1) Prayer back into the schools and homes (2)talk to each other (3)GO OUTSIDE and run and (4) Have some compassion. I'm out!

donavin said...

Most definitely! Look at all of the cable channels that we have and there is still nothing to watch. Sometimes the best thing to do is sit still and listen for the voice of the Lord.

T4-Insight said...

That is great advice...sit still and listen for God. As far as the cable channels are concerned; the reason we cannot find anything on TV is because there are so many choices that we simply take our options for granted. Well, that and the fact that these TV shows are so thoughtless that I couldn't imagine being a stuck on the couch channel surfing all day everyday.